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Wireless Solution for Education



The use of internet in schools and colleges is essential for its proper functioning. Promotes optimization in the process of communication between educational institutions and teachers, is also a channel between the school and the student, besides being an important educational tool, as it allows access to global databases and search engines.


However, network access can be delicate as to what can be accessed within the school environment. Thinking about it, the Vagalume line, has a wireless network design developed specifically for educational institutions.


The equipment allows schools and colleges to create special subnets for each niche (administrative, teachers and students), with specific settings, such as restricting access to certain content and sites. You can also configure the wireless network to work only at specific times, such as intervals, and get a report of all accessible content.



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Av. Barbosa Lima, 149, sala 104 - Edifício Alfredo Fernandes - Porto Digital

50030-330 - Recife Antigo - Recife/PE

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